

Yeah … of course I would love to make something for you and I only have two rules (and I hate rules).

But ….. for the sake of my sanity …..

Creating a finished piece from scratch takes time and should not be rushed. It’s not just how long it takes to make it because honestly, that is the quickest part of the process. You need to factor in drying time (and that depends a lot on the weather) and then, of course, a couple of days for the firings and another couple for cooling. And importantly to keep my carbon footprint to a minimum, the kiln has to be filled up as well.

My glazes are not pre-manufactured. There is nothing wrong with commercial glazes, in fact I would recommend them in the right circumstances. I make my glazes up using recipes I have tried and tested over many firings. They are both resilient and food-safe. To create and test a new glaze or colour is not a short process.